QS Behavioral Services

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QS Behavioral Services is an agency that connects you to experienced Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBAs) and highly trained Registered Behavior Technicians, Speech-Language Pathologists, and State Certified Educators.


QS Behavioral Is One Of The Nation’s
Leading ABA Therapy Providers

QS Behavioral Services is an agency that connects you to experienced BCBAs and highly trained Registered Behavior Technicians (RBTs), Sibshop Facilitators , and State Certified Educators to provide the best behavioral health treatments for your child.

At QS Behavioral Services, we truly understand the value of ABA therapy for challenging behaviors. Our experienced and certified educators understand firsthand how poor social skills and behavior challenges impede academic success.


We can assist you in creating visual schedules and token economy systems that mirror their classroom and home structure routine. Just Ask Us- we understand.


QS Behavioral Services is an agency that connects you to experienced BCBAs and highly trained RBTs, Registered Behavior Technicians, Sibshop Facilitators , and State Certified Educators to provide the best behavioral health treatments for your child.

QS Behavioral Is One Of The Nation’s Leading ABA Therapy Providers

QS Behavioral Services is an agency that connects you to experienced BCBAs and highly trained RBTs, Registered Behavior Technicians, Sibshop Facilitators , and State Certified Educators to provide the best behavioral health treatments for your child.

At QS Behavioral Services, we truly understand the value of ABA therapy for challenging behaviors. Our experienced and certified educators understand firsthand how poor social skills and behavior challenges impede academic success.

We can assist you in creating visual schedules and token economy systems that mirror their classroom and home structure routine. Just Ask Us- we understand.

Mission Statement

We Modify What Impedes Their Learning

Mission Statement

We Modify What Impedes Their Learning


QS Behavioral Services comprises a team of dedicated professionals.

Through our experienced team of certified Exceptional Students Education (ESE) and Autism Certified Educators, we understand the time-sensitive nature of implementing behavior intervention, Academic Support, and ABA therapy.

Our director has over 30 years of experience educating students with behavioral and special needs on all grade levels. In addition, our team members are trained in ensuring state and federal IDEA compliance.


At QS Behavioral Services, we review your request and assign you to a BCBA who will assess your child’s communication, social and emotional needs, and independent functioning skills.

Where – We provides highly skilled Registered Behavioral Technicians to implement the services recommended by the BCBA for people on the autism spectrum. Our best autism treatment in the world is offered in homes, schools, or community areas.

When – Our trained RBTs operate on an individual schedule designed through team cooperation. QS Behavioral collaborates effectively with the BCBA, school, families, and RBTs to ensure that your child’s services are provided with fidelity.


At QS Behavioral Services, the best autism center in the world, we understand the importance of data collection in planning your child’s behavioral needs. Our experienced team works together to review all data and develop and implement the best plan to help modify the behavior through ABA therapy.


QS Behavioral Services comprises a team of dedicated professionals.

Through our experienced team of certified ESE (Exceptional Student Education) and Autism Certified Educators, we understand the time-sensitive nature of implementing behavior intervention, Academic Support, and ABA therapy.

Our director has over 30 years of experience educating students with behavioral and special needs on all grade levels. In addition, our team members are trained in ensuring state and federal IDEA compliance.


At QS Behavioral Services, we review your request and assign you to a BCBA who will assess your child’s communication, social and emotional needs, and independent functioning skills.

Where-We provides highly skilled Registered Behavioral Technicians to implement the services recommended by the BCBA for people on the autism spectrum. Our therapy services are offered in homes, schools, or community areas.

When – Our trained RBTs operate on an individual schedule designed through team cooperation. QS Behavioral collaborates effectively with the BCBA, school, families, and RBTs to ensure that your child’s services are provided with fidelity.


At QS Behavioral Services, we understand the importance of data collection in planning your child’s behavioral needs. Our experienced team works together to review all data and develop and implement the best plan to help modify the behavior through ABA therapy.

We also offer
Parent night
We help you to help
your child


Our client service professionals are
ready to help you get started on applied
behavior analysis.

The mission of QS Behavioral Services is to advocate for solutions that address the needs of people with disabilities and their families.


Our client service professionals are ready to help you get started on applied behavior analysis.

The mission of QS Behavioral Services is to advocate for solutions that address the needs of people with disabilities and their families.